We do have a Premier Inn located onsite. For other accommodations please contact the local tourist information website, Visit Stoke, for…
You are not permitted to bring your own food and drink to this event.
Trentham Taste is a street food and drink event and food will be available from a number of street vendors…
Toilets are available on site. The accessible toilets can be found at the end of row G on the main…
Personal chairs are not permitted at the event due to capacity. There will be some benches and chairs provided at…
Yes. The nearest train station is Stoke-on-Trent, which is approximately 4 miles from The Trentham Estate. Stafford Station is approximately…
You are permitted to bring a personal, compact umbrella that would fit into a handbag.
The event will start at 7:00pm and finish at 10pm. For the safety of all our visitors, we will be…
This event is adults only and all ticket holders must be aged 18 or over.