50p and Clearing House

During the Second World War, the Ballroom (where the Garden Centre is built now) was used as the Central Clearing House for the Bank of England. Other offices were moved from London to nearby Barlaston Hall.

On 26th August 1939 many staff moved from different banks across the country to Trentham, and work began only two days later. The main five banks were given a section of the ballroom dancefloor each. Smaller ones were based on the stage, outbuildings, and the Bank of England was based above the kitchen.

After the war, the clearings operations returned to London in 1946. This statue was presented to the gardens in commemoration of this in 1976. Can you count all of the crests on the sides of the statue? These represent the different banks that moved to Trentham.

Image credit: Antony Rigby